Philosophy of Psychiatric Care (Mental)


Internursing Mental was born in January 2021 from the experience developed in recent years by Internursing Spitex, with its team specialized in home psychiatric care.
Internursing Mental is the first service in Ticino dedicated entirely to home psychiatric care. It is a private service recognized by the basic compulsory insurance (LaMal). It can integrate the basic services by personalising them with accurate private assistance services
We operate according to the LASP (social psychiatric assistance law) on a medical mandate, inserting our services according to the user's therapeutic plan established by his specialist doctor (psychiatrist-psychogeriatrician)
Our care service has qualified staff made up of mental health nurses, specialist nurses, care assistants and CRS healthcare collaborators dedicated to this specific area.


Internursing Mental works so that the person affected by psychiatric illness can remain at home avoiding institutionalization, through individualized care that takes into account their personal, family and social resources and that allows rehabilitation in daily activities and a development of psychosocial skills.


“The psychopathological pictures that we could define as classic remain unchanged, the risks related to the lack of contractual power of the users and that of the quality of the therapeutic offer remain identical, characterized too often by a certain margin of discretion. However, the scenarios of mental health are changing: the complexity of the care situations is growing, the contexts are differentiating and we are witnessing a psychiatry that is less confined to the designated institutions and more disseminated throughout the territory. It changes that whole area of ​​mental distress that is difficult to define, made up of polymorphic phenomena that evolve very rapidly and with them the needs of the population evolve and the need to deal with them.
Managing this complexity requires an integrated effort.” Magda Chiesa, SUPSI Health 09.2015

Psychiatry, like all sciences, proceeds through models. A model can be defined, in a general sense, as an organized, coherent and transmittable system of opinions that guides the observation of reality, correlates and explains phenomena and helps to solve problems, proceeding on the basis of concepts and postulates that constitute its theoretical foundation.
Conceptual models are based on basic premises relating to man and his nature, health and disease, diagnosis and treatment and prognosis, exerting an enormous influence on clinical activity by determining:

  • which data, among those provided by the patient, are to be considered significant,
  • which treatment methods must be considered valid,
  • what is the position of the operators in relation to the patient.
They also support clinical practice, prevent it from breaking down into a terrain devoid of reference points and allow treatment plans. They represent the necessary moment of every scientifically proven clinical action. 1
In light of this, Internursing Mental acts following the philosophy of the integrated bio-psycho-social model.
It therefore wants to take charge of the subject in his integrity, taking care of the patient and the people close to him, trying as much as possible to undertake a path towards well-being. The intervention will try to be subsidiary to the patient himself, thus increasingly promoting rehabilitation in everyday life, avoiding as much as possible relapses that could lead to hospitalization.
Internursing Mental works on a medical mandate and, as required by the Law on Socio-Psychiatric Assistance (LASP), its actions will be integrated into the therapeutic plan drawn up by the patient's psychiatrist.
It will guarantee a timely assessment of the situation, also using the InterRAI-MH assessment tool and periodically drawing up an individual Care Plan, agreed with the doctor and the patient himself.
It will promote networking by maintaining timely contacts with all the actors involved in the patient's rehabilitation process, ensuring transparency for all parties involved.

Health Management
Version 001 created 01.2021